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BERLIN UPDATE> First, thanks again to my amazing friends, for hosting me once again, "the International House of Manteuffel Str."- what a place.
On the way north from Budapest, I managed to check up on a few familiar sites and check on some new leads, back in Berlin. Here's some quick photos and drawings from three old sites, which have evolved and are looking good for the future.
Below, artist Leo Koningsberg (director of Bat15) in front of the nearly renovated Bat15 studio project. The ground in front has just been remediated (toxins in the soil left from operations as battery factory), and will soon be planted as a garden.
Elsewhere in the industrial region of Schonewiede, other renovations are moving slowly but solidly ahead- below, to be the Schauhallen art museum/gallery complex.

Improvements to the public areas have been completed since my last visit in Sept/Oct, such as this bridge. The postindustrial waterfront is being rediscovered, and well allocated between public and private use.
The RAW Tempel association, located in an old rail station in Friedrichstain, continues the struggle for their existance with the new land owners, who have in mind private housing blocks. RAW Tempel, however, has gained the overwhelming public support for a professionally drafted masterplan, which includes preservation of current operations and housing and retail units.
Below, the buildings which are not under historical preservation and are jepordized by the new ownership. RAW Tempel does not officially occupy these buildings.

Drawings, from the sites mentioned, and others from the past.
Bat 15
Stralauer Alle, glass factory
Stralauer Alle view

.. take 2.
RAW Tempel
RAW Tempel
Public space in Schoneweide