Yedikule Gasworks. lifetime: 1881- 1988. In 1894 all privately run gas production and distribution operations came under the control of IETT, a city government branch. Yedikule, along with Kadikoy, were the primary distributors of gas for the city until roughly 1993 when the city switched to natural gas for environmental and economic reasons. Both sites, located in run down fringe areas of Istanbul, have been left to rot but are still heavily guarded by IETT.
There are no clear future plans, although both the sites are being gaurded for the sake of posterity (yet no one is allowed to enter!). Perhaps with the funding and vision, this amazing landmarks in Yedikule could be transformed into a purposeful and not-so-dangerous space, and it's architecture appreciated by a new user group.
Currently the only ones enjoying the space are stray dogs- this is where the government deposits the unvaccinated wild dogs (scary!).. and wrecked buses, shot tires..

A huge thanks to the excellent gaurds for their protection and tea offerings!