Budapest, Hungary. I had great luck here finding potential sites to spend more time with, and hope to return on the way back north from Istanbul.
On the outskirts of Budapest there is a major post industrial area, undergoing sporadic redevelopment attempts. The following two photos are of one building that I particularly loved, I'm curious to see what changes occur here.

Directly in front of the decaying building (above), a new private gallery has refurbished a warehouse. It is a sensitive response to the surrounding industrial materials, but little of the original building's structure is visible from the exterior. An old brick factory was left relatively untouched behind the gallery, which now houses offices. The connection between the two compliments both, I think.

This pair of identical warehouses is located in central Budapest along the Danube River. Now mostly derelict, it will be converted into a major modern art museum over the next 5 years. A wavey, glass roof will bridge the two warehouses, creating an indoor/outdoor reception area, while the collections will be housed in the original structures.

The following are just of Budapest, a beautiful city, and the train rides to and from Hungary.